
Endorsement and Participant list

Page history last edited by Andrew Clement 14 years, 7 months ago

Here is the list of endorsers of the Consensus Submission with their name, position, and institutional affiliation (for identification purposes only). 

Endorsers/Participants (listed alphabetically):


  1. Steve Anderson, National Coordinator, OpenMedia.ca 
  2. Gene-loeb Aronin, PhD., Director and Founder, Center for Technology and Mental Hygiene, and Roosevelt University-Chicago, Illinois
  3. BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, President, Prof. Richard Rosenberg
  4. David Black, Coordinator, Emergency Response Planning, University of Toronto
  5. Robert Booth, Individual
  6. Clare Brett, Professor OISE and KMDI, University of Toronto
  7. Leslie Chan, Program Supervisor for the Joint Program in New Media Studies and teh International Development Studies program at the University of Toronto at Scarborough
  8. Andrew Clement, Professor, Faculty of Information, KMDI & IPSI, University of Toronto
  9. Kathleen A. Cross, Lecturer, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
  10. Derrick de Kerckhove, Professor of French and Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology, University of Toronto
  11. Michael Dick, Communication and Culture Masters Alumni, Ryerson and York Universities
  12. Martin R. Dowding, PhD., Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
  13. Wendy Duff, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  14. Glen E. Farrelly, PhD student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  15. Joseph Ferenbok, Senior Researcher/Lecturer, University of Toronto
  16. Marcel Fortin, GIS and Map Librarian, University of Toronto
  17. Nobuko Fujita, Researcher, OISE, University of Toronto
  18. Twyla Gibson, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  19. Anne M. Godbout, Director of Legal Services, SOCAN
  20. Sara M. Grimes, PhD, Assistant Professor,Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  21. Laura Jo Gunter, Dean, Information Arts and Technology, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
  22. Mike Gurski, Bell Canada
  23. Bob Hanke, Contract Faculty, Department of Humanities & Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University
  24. Alison Harvey, PhD Candidate, Joint Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture at York and Ryerson Universities
  25. Dimitrios Hatzinakos, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Director of IPSI, University of Toronto
  26. Andrew Hilts, Masters student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  27. Lynne C. Howarth, Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto 
  28. Doug Hull, President, Connectivity Strategies, Ottawa, ON
  29. Thom Kearney, Partner, Rowanwood, part-time professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
  30. Adriana Ieraci, Executive Director, KMDI, University of Toronto
  31. Tamir Israel, Staff Lawyer, CIPPIC
  32. Eva Jansen, Masters student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  33. Laurie Kagetsu, Individual
  34. Dave Kemp, Visual artist, Visual Studies and KMDI Masters alumni, University of Toronto
  35. Margaret Lam, Masters Student, Faculty of Information, KMDI, University of Toronto
  36. Yannet Lanthrop, Masters student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  37. James Larrue, Individual
  38. Tracey Lauriault, Doctoral student, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University
  39. Wendy Li, Individual
  40. Evan Light, PhD. Candidate, Département de communication sociale et publique, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
  41. Mark Lipton, Associate Professor, School of English and Theatre Studies, University of Guelph
  42. Janet Lo, Legal Counsel, Public Interest Advocacy Centre
  43. Mary Lynn Manton, Coordinator, Informatics & Security Degree Program, Seneca College
  44. Michael McCaffrey, Lecturer, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  45. Colin McCann, Master's Student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  46. Kathleen McManus, Director, Public Affairs/Directrice, Affaires publiques, GS1 Canada
  47. Brenda McPhail, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  48. Dr. Thomas McPhail, Chair and Professor of Media Studies, University of Missouri, St.Louis, Missouri
  49. Russell McOrmond, Internet consultant, Policy coordinator for CLUE: Canada's Association for Open Source, Host for Digital Copyright Canada, Co-coordinator for GOSLING (Getting Open Source Logic INto Governments)
  50. Catherine Middleton, Professor, Ted Rogers School of Technology Management, Ryerson University
  51. M. Kathleen Milberry, PhD, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  52. Marita Moll, Telecommunities Canada
  53. Heather Morrison, PhD Student, Simon Fraser University School of Communication
  54. Grant Patten, Master’s student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto (abstaining from the following clauses:1.2 Legal right to broadband Internet access; 2.1.2 Net neutrality; 2.4.2 Community-based innovation; 5.2.1 Accessibility)
  55. Morgen Peers, Individual 
  56. Peter Pennefather, Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Outreach Director, KMDI, University of Toronto
  57. David Phillips, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  58. Kostas Plataniotis, Professor, ECE and Director KMDI, University of Toronto
  59. Matt Ratto, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  60. Catherine Richards, Masters Student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  61. Rebecca Schild, undergrad student, UTSC, International Development Studies
  62. Leslie Regan Shade, Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication Studies, Concordia University
  63. Karen Smith, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information & KMDI, University of Toronto
  64. Jeremy Shtern, Post-doctoral fellow, Faculty of Communication and Design, School of Radio-Television Arts (RTA), Ryerson University
  65. John Harris Stevenson, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information & KMDI, University of Toronto
  66. Siobhan, Stevenson,  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  67. Bruce A Stewart, MA. Director, The iSchool Institute, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  68. Gail Stewart, citizen
  69. Yuri Takhteyev, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto (abstaining from clause 2.1.2 net neutrality)
  70. Darlene A. Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer, N-CAP, Iqaluit, NU
  71. Kyle Alexander Thompson, MA student, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
  72. Jennifer Trant, Partner, Archives & Museum Informatics & PhD candidate, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
  73. Jutta Treviranus, Director, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University
  74. Julia Walden, Director Visualization Design Institute, Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning
  75. Kelly Walsh, Individual
  76. Anthony Wensley, Associate Professor, Director of Communication, Culture and Information Technology (CCIT) Programs at the University of Toronto Mississauga
  77. Ezra Winton, PhD III, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University and Founder and Programmer, Cinema Politica
  78. Eric Yu, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto


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Here are the instructions provided for endorsing the Interim Consensus Submission. Endorsements of that document remained provisional until July 9, at which point those listed on the Endorsement page were considered as official endorsers and included in the Consensus Submission sent to the federal government.


Following the Roundtable discussion, this page has converted from a participant list into an endorsement page for the consensus submission. If you participated earlier but do not wish to be listed as an endorser, you will need to remove your name. If you agree with most, but not all of the final document, you will need to indicate the clauses of the final document that you wish to abstain from. 

If you are not listed here:

 To endorse the submission, send an email to Rhonda Sussman, IPSI's Admin Assistant < ipsi -at- utoronto.ca > providing your name, position, institutional affiliation (for identification purposes only) and contact information.  Your name, position and affiliation will be visible on this public facing wiki and the final submission.  We will use your provided contact information for communication with you, but it will not appear on the public site. 


If you are already listed here:

To endorse the submission fully, there is nothing further to do. But check that your name, position and affiliation(s) appear correctly. If revision is needed, contact Rhonda Sussman, IPSI's Admin Assistant < ipsi -at- utoronto.ca >.


To endorse the submission in part, contact Rhonda Sussman, IPSI's Admin Assistant < ipsi -at- utoronto.ca > indicating the clauses you wish to abstain from. As above, ensure your personal details are correct. 


To withdraw your endorsement, contact Rhonda Sussman, IPSI's Admin Assistant < ipsi -at- utoronto.ca > indicating that you wish to have your name and personal details removed. This needs to be done before July 9, otherwise you will be officially listed as an endorser.


This page will be updated daily to reflect the endorsements, abstentions and withdrawls.


For more details, see our process page. 


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